Self Evaluation
Self-assessment is necessary and very important for the development of the self and the soul, and for self-repair and not fall into the mistakes.
It is the best comparisons conducted by the rights are not the ones that compares itself to other and compared himself but between yesterday and today.
Is something very good and having the ability to self-assessment because it isn't easy for a person to reside because the same will create excuses for himself and arguments to help him to think that his actions are correct so self-assessment needs to be a strong will and the courage of a distinct and great patience in doing this big challenge.
Every person in this life has a talent and ability to excel in a particular thing
It is only able to develop and improve it for better performance in all aspects
There are people who innovate in painting and others in the sport and in the writing of these
I am loving writing.
I write short stories and poems about love and beauty and politics
May be the start of my love of writing when I was 13 years old when I wrote my first love poem.
Arabic teacher helped me to develop this talent through reading where he advise me to read these books
I have obtained the first prize as the best writer in a small school and this was a first defended the moral me to complete my dream of writing the great and the expression of what is going on in the mind without any expression of true or false compliment so that's why i enjoy when i was writing.
I think that each person must find that talent and to fight for them and works for development will become Valhoaah talent and talent will be a miracle